During the last month i lived a change in my music world. I left some bands that i used to listen to reform in some part my playlist. That was the moment when i found Deftones.
Deftones is a band formed in 1988 on Sacramento, California. Thay have a kind of music that goes by the way of metal, rock, nu metal, post punk, or something like that.
It's weird that this guys form part of my playlist now, considering that i used to listen music like One Direction, Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato and all that kind of things of the Pop.
I have to say thank you to an old friend for show me the excellent music that Deftones give it to me.
My old sister told me the other day, that since 2004 i've listen Deftones but i don't remember.
From this band that have 7 albums i have some favorites songs, like Back to School, Diamonds eyes, Hole in the earth and Good Morning Beautiful.
I think that it's good music just if you consider yourself like a Hardcore.
I recomend to listen Back To School
Enjoy it!
I don't know so much Deftones, but I think that I'm going to listen the songs that you wrote. And come to the class :p
ResponderBorrarI put the link to Back to School. I will go to the next class, don't miss me :3
BorrarI never heard a song from them, but I heard that name. I think I'm going to listen to know that music.
ResponderBorrarReally huge change from that kind of pop to metal/rock jajaja
Bye and see you in monday
I like that moment in that for thing of the destiny, I discover new bands or only songs, but that change completely my playlist XP
ResponderBorrarYou know? I see you listening to Deftones, knowing your other musical styles, this is not distant from you ;3