Today i will write about my mentors in sports journalism: Los Tenores de ADN Deportes. In 2009 a nascent ADN radio form a complete team of journalists for the sports sections, and the members know as "Los Tenores" are: Rodrigo Sepúlveda, Juan Cristóbal Guarello, Carlos Costas, Francisco Mouat, Cristián Arcos, Rodrigo Hernández, Danilo Díaz and Víctor Cruces. I admire them, because they're critic about the matches and how have to be a football player.
Another part of the ADN Deportes team is "La Banda", but they are not permanent on the radio.
I started to listen the shows in 2010, but with frequency in 2011, when Universidad de Chile won the Copa Sudamericana. They inspired me to study journalism in part, because i want to be like they.
On this year, Patricio Jara a journalist wrote a book about the guys. The book was called "El libro de Los Tenores y las historias de La Banda", a kind of bible for the audience of the show.
After the Copa América i listen every day at 14:00 and 20:00 both shows. It's like a religion, because i keep informed about the football staff.
I admire every one of the team, because they're so dedicated to the job and they know a lot of things about sports.

For example: Rodrigo Sepúlveda works at Mega and La Tercera too, and he is so obsessed about the drawing, he plan some matches. Juan Cristóbal Guarello it's very critic and i like that, because anyone is brave like him. Carlos Costas it's more a music journalist, but he is Fan os Union Española, and for that reason i bear him. Francisco Mouat, he is one of my favorite, not because he is from U de Chile, it's because he was working in a lot of great medias. Cristián Arcos, The "Tenor Escritor", when i met him i said that i can die in peace. I've an interview with him and he was wonderful. I think that i love more than before. Rodrigo Hernández or "El que más sabe" i admire him because he is one of the little group of journalists that know about tennis in Chile. Danilo Díaz or "El Tenor del Pueblo" he is a crack, a crá and the best. @hinchapuma i bear you forever.
Finally and no less important Víctor "Tigre" Cruces a tiger of comunications. He had a enchanting voice. I'm in love with him.
I'm a really fan of ADN Deportes. You can ask me something about them and i will answered really happy.
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