This last week we have a lot of debates in about the girls. Abortion, discrimination in media and others. But i want to stop in the discrimination and sexism that exist in our profession: the journalism.
Like a month ago, Grace Lazcano, sports journalist arrived to
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CDF and a coworker at this moment (Romai Ugarte) made an incorrect expression.
How many times we have to tolerate things like this? Why if we became in a important journalist, we scaled for another way?
We have the same habilitys than man.
Can we think that a men scale in a job for sexual favors? No, not in our society.
Like a future sport journalist, i feel so exposed to attitudes like this, because this kind of journalism doesn't have a lot of girls working.
I strongly belive that the girls need a space in sports like soccer, volley, basket, hockey, even in F1. I want to work in a space that i feel safety and respect. I hope that one day, guys and girls can work side by side like equal.
Romai said in a lot of interviews after the incident, that the gesture wasn't for Grace. How we can belive in that version, when other girls snitch on the journalist for discrimination.
Also he said that the image of the gesture never appears at air on the channel and people that hate him spreads this.
I feel terrible for Grace, because she is a woman and everybody knows the difficult to work in a man worlds.
In a space on the radio that with a group of classmates have, we talk about the problem, because we think that it's incorrect. Our generation wants equality in everything, and we want to eradicate the sexism from the journalism. We want more women like directors and editors in a sport section.
Our generation is fighting for more democracy on the sports journalism.
We have a lot of coworker that wants the same thing that us, and fight day by day.